Monday, October 16, 2006

The First Live Webcam for surfers in the Philippines- trendsetter

Yes, San Juan Surf resort or better known as the Surf Camp is the first resort to have been so generous to the philippine surfing community, gracing everyone with live updates on the everyday status of the waves in La Union. You may click their logo to view their website or you could also click San Juan Surf Resort via the links area.
Rumor has it that the neighboring resort ( Literally a stone throw away) has the same service on thier website, claiming that it is theirs, when it actually leads straight to Surf Camp's own live webcam service! If you are familiar with La union, or better yet, if you frequent Surf Camp, you'd know where the webcam is located at. Right at the balcony of Bryan Landrigan's room!!! The father of Luke Landrigan, propreitor of the resort. Yes, and now one could get the same angle as that of what appears on your monitors, because all other resorts in La Union have blank lots in between each, giving each and every resort their own individual views. I need not to go further on this, It's not right to steal somebody else's work! ask permission. If you can't do that, at least acknowledge the owner and never have the audacity to claim anything that isn't yours.
As for other cheezmaks, I read a forum just today, About some " surfers" talking about Luke's webcam at surfcamp. While it is alright to be copycats, and since anyone could do the same thing nowadays, thanks to cheap webcams, and easy dsl installation now, I just need to make it clear, since i now sense that this is going to be a fad, I wanna declare that........San Juan Surf Resort started the whole live broadcasting of waves in this country. I do not know where this whole article is going, all I know is that at least I have documented it, and if ever so someone wishes to trace the history of surfing ( especially that the history of Philippine surfing is all tangled up about who started surfing first..) This shall at least serve as a proof. That surf camp, started broadcasting End of July 2006. If only I could also stamp a Notary Public dry seal online, i would... hehhehe. Happy surfing!
Peter Kelly says this about the article.


At 10/26/2006 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the comments on the cam and the recognition of a little bit of history. yes its true brian paid for the "cheap" cam 55000 "only". But it was "I" that suggested, researched, purchased in australia, installed ,programmed , designed and manage the cam and website not to mention promition ,anyway enough on me .l hope that you all enjoy this service and promotion of surfing in the phils and a new industry is born!
Pedro .... sometimes seen on a green tricycle.
The said offender of cam stealing has righted his evil ways and all is forgivern.
And once again thanks for the history!
dont forget thats me too
first image was august 13


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